Não basta abrir a janela
Para ver os campos e o rio.
Não é bastante não ser cego
Para ver as árvores e as flores.
"La nature crée toujours des connexions visuelles en suivant un rythme et faisant jaillir des formes temporaires : Alma Bibolotti les rassemble pour offrir la beauté comme l’absence dans cette suite de prise. Existe une patiente accumulation de ce qui par effets d’eau frôle, s’enfonce, caresse, griffe, et ne cesse de s’écrire, d’imposer une sûre et tâtonnante fragilité, une murmurante continuité provisoire. Par effet de surfaces, parfois abstractives, bouillonne une vie des profondeurs. Rien ne patauge tout devient écriture sur l’encre du lac. (...) Ses tiges parfois s’agitent et se hérissent dans une poétique qui dépasse celle de la nature. Les profondeurs de nos psychés peuvent trouver là des échos."
Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret, Lelittéraire
I was born in Bari in 1964. After graduating in Foreign languages, I moved to France where I lived and worked for 6 years, between Paris and Nice. My relationship with photography started in the eighties when I discovered Mimmo Jodice, Edward Weston, Mario Giacomelli, Lucien Clergue and many other masters of light whose works had a strong influence on her vision. Taking photos and printing them in my darkroom became the way to express my deepest emotions. Since then, photography is an inner journey, vital to me. When I switched from analogue to digital, I was quite seduced by the multiple possibilities of experimenting in post-processing, in my virtual darkroom. Today, beyond the technical aspects, I like challenging the rules to highlight forms and textures. Much of my work focuses on the language of nature: it is in the natural world and its less 'visible' aspects that I look for subjects to create something that resonates emotionally. I think that very simple elements can sometimes evoke parallel worlds, opening gateways to an unconscious and dreamlike dimension, so that the space explored outside can make 'visible' my inner gaze.
2024 Tokyo International Foto Awards | Bronze EDITORIAL – ENVIRONMENT series Dissolving beauty
2024 Tokyo International Foto Awards | Honourable Mention EDITORIAL – ENVIRONMENT series Xylella Ballad
2024 Budapest International Foto Awards | Gold EDITORIAL – ENVIRONMENT series Dissolving beauty
2024 Prix de la Photographie Paris (PX3) | Gold NATURE – WATER series Maredentro
2024 Prix de la Photographie Paris (PX3) | Bronze NATURE – OTHER series Dissolving beauty
2023 Tokyo International Foto Awards | Bronze EDITORIAL – ENVIRONMENT, series The Waste Land
2023 Tokyo International Foto Awards | Honourable Mention FINE ART – LANDSCAPE, series Maredentro
2023 ND Photography Awards | Honourable Mention WATERSCAPES, series Maredentro
2023 Urban Photo Awards /Matrix4design | Finalist ‘Icons of Architecture’, SM/ART/CHITECTURE
2023 Fine Art Photography Awards | Nominee SEASCAPE series Maredentro
2022 Garden Photographer of the Year (London Royal Kew Gardens) | Highly commended, Precious
2022 Tokyo International Foto Awards | Bronze SCIENCE – ENVIRONMENT, series The Fragile Face
2022 Budapest International Foto Awards | Honourable Mention FINE ART-LANDSCAPE, series Maredentro
2022 ND Photography Awards | Honourable Mention WATERSCAPES, series Water Haiku
2022 Urban Photo Awards | Finalist Spaces/New Buildings, single photo The Curve
2021 ND Photography Awards | Honourable Mention CONCEPTUAL, series Liquid entropy
2021 Transversalidades - Fotografia sem Fronteiras | Honourable Mention, theme Natural heritage, landscapes and biodiversity, series Arborum sudaria
2021 Wipplay, Mon environnement de travail (in association with Usimages) | Jury award winner, In her fabric store, La Valletta, Malta
2021 Better Photography magazine, Urban Patterns | Honourable Mention, single photo Foster UAE Pavilion
2019 Garden Photographer of the Year (London Royal Kew Gardens) | Finalist, ABSTRACT VIEWS Lilies in a pond
2018 Wipplay, XXS | Jury third prize (experts Jean-Joseph Renucci and Alessandro Zuffi), Can you see me?, published in the French magazine Causette
2023 | Trieste Photo Festival, Trieste Airport, Trieste, Italy - single photo 'sm/art/chitecture'
2023 | Treviso Photographic Festival, Treviso, Italy - single photo 'Spring Land (Fontana on my mind)'
2023 | Visuali italiane, Roonee 247 fine arts Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, series 'Liquid Entropy - The floating world'
2023 | The Lilies Pond, virtual exhibition, Artdoc Photography Magazine
2023 | Through my Lens, virtual exhibition, Artdoc Photography Magazine
2023 | Conceptual photography, virtual exhibition, Artdoc Photography Magazine
2022 | Trieste Photo Festival, Trieste Airport, Trieste, Italy - single photo 'The Curve'
2022 | MilanoPhotoFestival, 'NEW BUILDINGS, Le nuove icone dell’architettura urbana', Showroom Turri, Milano, Italy - single photo 'The Curve'
2022 | Transversalidades - Fotografia sem Fronteiras 2021, Galeria de Arte do Teatro Municipal, Guarda, Portugal - series 'Arborum sudaria'
2022 | Transversalidades - Fotografia sem Fronteiras 2021, Auditório Municipal, Vila do Conde, Portugal - series 'Arborum sudaria'
2021 | Trieste Photo Festival, Trieste Airport - single photo 'Passengers'
2021 | Festival Usimages, Beauvais (Diaphane, Picardie photographic pole) - single photo 'In her fabric store'